What's on
In addition to our regular worship every day, we have a great variety of events throughout the year at which you are always welcome.
Events coming soon include...​​​
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Saturday 21 December
7.45am Rorate Mass: Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary sung by candlelight at dawn at St John's
Tuesday 24 December: Christmas Eve
12 noon Last Mass of Advent at St John's
5pm Carols by Candlelight at St Julian's
11.30pm Midnight Mass and Procession at St John's
Wednesday 25 December: Christmas Day
10am High Mass at St John's
followed by sherry and mince pies
6pm Evening Prayer at the Crib at St Julian's
Sunday 29 December: Sunday in the Octave of Christmas
9am Low Mass at St Julian's
11am Procession and High Mass at St John's
followed by mulled wine
6pm Evening Prayer and Benediction at St John's
Wednesday 1 January: Mary, the Holy Mother of God
11am Solemn Mass with carols at St John's
followed by New Year's Day drinks
Monday 6 January: The Epiphany of Our Lord
10am Low Mass at St Julian's
7.30pm Procession, Blessing of the Epiphany Crib and High Mass at St John's
followed by celebratory drinks
Sunday 2 February: The Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple: Candlemas
11am Candlemas Procession and High Mass at St John's
Preacher: The Revd Canon Richard Lamey, Diocesan Director of Mission and Ministry
Saturday 8 March
10am to 4pm Lent Quiet Day on the spirituality of St Teresa of Avila led by the Rt Revd Norman Banks, formerly Bishop of Richborough at St John's
Sunday 30 March: Fourth Sunday of Lent: Refreshment Sunday
11am High Mass and distribution of floral posies at St John's
Preacher: The Revd Benjamin Eadon CMP, Priest Administrator of the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham