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Thank you for your support


The mission of St John the Baptist, Timberhill with St Julian's is funded largely by direct giving from those who love and value what our Church offers.  Our continued life depends on the generosity of those who believe that its distinctive witness to the love of God, through the catholic tradition within the Church of England, is worth handing on, as a living faith, to future generations.


We receive every gift gratefully and thankfully.  Regular gifts, made through our planned giving scheme, help us to budget and to plan, and so to sustain the witness of this unique Church Family.


In September 2019 we launched our Christian Stewardship Campaign, Faith in the Future.  The Campaign encourages everyone who considers themselves part of St John's and St Julian's to commit to regular giving to support the life of the Church, and to regular involvement in some aspect of the Church's activities.  The amount of money we can give, or the amount of time we can offer, is not the important thing.  It is our participation and our sacrifice which counts.


You can download the Campaign documents here.  They explain our current needs and opportunities, and how you can help and become involved.


Campaign brochure

Pledge card

Standing Order card

Gift Aid card

Time and talents response card


Sponsoring the Flowers


Donations to the Flower Fund are welcomed at any time.  With the exception of the seasons of Advent and Lent, you may sponsor the church flowers throughout the year in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a significant event such as a birthday, wedding anniversary, baptism or feast day.  A minimum of two weeks' notice is required.  Payments are made in advance.  Contact us for further details (contact details in the Newsletter).

Stewardship Campaign 2019 brochure-page-

© PCC of St John the Baptist, Timberhill with St Julian, Norwich 2025

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