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Life Events

We long to celebrate God's love with you on life's journey.  Our churches offers many ways of marking our passage through our earthly lives – baptisms, weddings and funerals.  We welcome all those who would like to enquire about a baptism, wedding or funeral, whether or not you are regular members of our congregation. Please contact the Parish Priest for advice and to make arrangements.


Baptism or Christening? They are the same! Often Baptism is referred to as  Christening. The word  Christening links with “Christ” - it means “anointed” . During the baptism service, the parents and godparents gather together with the baby and the priest, usually around the church's font, to make a series of religious declarations. They are required to declare their belief in God, and that the child will be brought up following Jesus. The priest marks the sign of the cross on the child's forehead, and will say: "Christ claims you for his own. Receive the sign of his cross. Do not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified." The priest then pours some water on the child's head, symbolising the washing away of all sin to begin a new life with God, saying "I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."


While most people are familiar with being baptised as a child, baptism can be embraced at any stage in life. What matters is that those concerned believe it is right to ask for baptism as an important part of their pilgrim journey.


Baptism is entirely free: there is no charge.


Confirmation is for adults who have been baptised and who wish to ‘confirm’ the promises made by their parents. It is important to see confirmation as a part of the  journey in faith in Christ and not in isolation.

Through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop, the Church also asks God to give those being confirmed power, through the Holy Spirit, to live the life of discipleship.


The photograph on the left shows recent confirmation candidates of the Parish with the clergy and their friends and supporters.



Today more than a quarter of all marriages in England between a man and a woman take place in the traditional setting of a church. A  Marriage Service in Church offers the opportunity for a real family and community celebration. If you would like to know more about the possibility of making your marriage vows in the sight of God and your special guests, then please contact the Parish Priest to explore matters further. 



A funeral marks the close of a human life on earth. It is the opportunity for friends and family to express their grief, and to celebrate and give thanks for the life which has now completed its journey in this world.


At St John the Baptist, Timberhill with St Julian's there are often two public ceremonies at the Church; the Reception of the Body at the Church, usually the evening before the funeral and then the Funeral Mass including the Final Commendation and Farewell.


Alternatively, a simple service may complement other arrangements which you might feel fitting for the person who has died. The Parish Priest is always willing to discuss with you ways in which you can make funeral arrangements once someone has died.




Fees for weddings and funerals


The cost of many of these services is set annually on a national basis. The Parish Priest can provide you with the current details and a table of the fees is available in the porch of both churches.

© PCC of St John the Baptist, Timberhill with St Julian, Norwich 2025

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